At Grupo Sevilla Nevado we comply with the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 quality regulations. Furthermore, Construcciones Sevilla S.A. has the CE marking for hot bituminous mixtures, while Áridos Sevilla Nevado S.L.U. has the CE marking for aggregates.
The quality policies apply to the following processes:
- The construction of all types of civil works in general.
- Manufacture and extraction of aggregates for concretes, for hot bituminous mixtures and for all types of road surfaces in general.
- Manufacture and application of agglomerate.
The scope of the environmental management system encompasses all sectors of the company:
- Construction of civil works.
- Manufacture and application of hot bituminous mixtures
The specific scope of the CE marking system for aggregates is:
- Extraction of aggregates for concretes.
- Extraction of aggregates for hot bituminous mixtures.
- Extraction of aggregates for all types of road surfaces in general.
The specific scope of the CE marking system for bituminous mixtures is:
- Manufacture of Bituminous Mixtures for Asphaltic Concretes.
- Manufacture of discontinuous mixtures in fine layers.
Consequently, we have the certifications of CE markings, ISO 9001:2007, ISO 14000:2007, and the type 1 ballast type certification from ADIF.

El grupo Sevilla Nevado está formado por tres empresas (CONSTRUCCIONES SEVILLA NEVADO S.A., SEBASTIÁN SEVILLA NEVADO, SL y ÁRIDOS SEVILLA NEVADO, S.L.) dedicadas a la Construcción, mantenimiento y conservación de toda clase de obra civil, extracción y fabricación de áridos y fabricación y suministro de mezclas bituminosas en caliente y frío, tiene implantado un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad y Medio Ambiente cuya Política define y contempla lo siguiente:
- Compromiso de satisfacción de requisitos de clientes.
- Comprometer a trabajadores, clientes, proveedores, subcontratas y comunidad en general el compromiso de la empresa tanto en materia de calidad como gestión Medio Ambiental.
- Establecimiento de objetivos y metas que sean realizables y superables, sometidas a control, renovación y mejora continua., se formulan dentro del marco del Plan de Calidad y Medio Ambiente.
- Cumplimiento de requisitos legales y otros requisitos que la organización subscriba.
- Prevenir la contaminación Medio Ambiental.
- Asegurar que todos los empleados reciban la capacitación e información adecuada.
- Implantar de forma efectiva dicho SIGCMA haciendo que los compromisos o principios de la presente Política sean conocidos, comprendidos, desarrollados y mantenidos al día.
El Director General así como el Director de Calidad y Medio Ambiente se encargarán de que la presente política esté disponible al público, todo personal de la empresa o empresas o personas que trabajen para nosotros y también de que se cumpla en su totalidad.
Director Gerente
Agosto 2015

Research and Development
Line of research into low temperature bituminous mixtures:
Hot bituminous mixture manufacturing plants use fossil fuels to heat the raw materials, consuming a considerable amount of energy in the manufacturing process. In this sense, the process involves the generation of a significant amount of greenhouse gases, obligating manufacturing companies to manage their emissions quota in relation to the emission of these gases.
Grupo Sevilla Nevado, in collaboration with the Technological Institute of Decorative Rocks and Construction Materials (INTROMAC), has developed lines of research relating to the manufacturing process for bituminous mixtures, raising awareness of the environment, supported by the Economy, Commerce and Innovation Council of the Junta de Extremadura, within the framework of the 3rd Regional Plan for Research, Technological Development and Innovation in Extremadura.
In these lines of research, the following have been undertaken:
- Design and development project for low temperature bituminous mixtures.
SEMI-HOT BITUMINOUS MIXTURE is understood as a hot bituminous mixture in which the mixing process is carried out at temperatures 30-40ºC lower than conventional mixtures; that is temperatures of between 120-135ºC and which are manufactured in plants for hot agglomerates with practically no alteration of the manufacturing process.
The implementation of this project was carried out on the EX325 Villar del Rey – Aliseda motorway in October 2011.
Environmental aspects of the manufacture of bituminous materials were improved, the manufacturing temperature was reduced by 20-30%, and the emission of greenhouse gases was reduced.

Design and development project for warm bituminous mixtures.
WARM BITUMINOUS MIXTURE is understood as a mixture which is manufactured at temperatures below 100ºC. Generally, the process involves the partial drying of the aggregates to take advantage of their residual water, at the stage of mixing with the hydrocarbonated binder.
The implementation of this project was carried out on the EX382 motorway, from N-630 to Montánchez.
A temperature reduction of 60ºC in comparison with conventional mixtures was achieved, as well as a reduction of the consumption of fossil fuels and greenhouse gases.
The advantage of this system is that it does not require adaptation or adjustment of the asphaltic plant, and additionally does not require special equipment or resources for the spreading and compaction of the mixtures.

Line of research into waterproofing methods.
This line of research was carried out with the development project of a section of waterproofed and airtight tunnel crossing occasional discontinuities in the surface.
The main objective was the design and development of a section of waterproof tunnel, insulated in terms of the presence of aquifers and active faults, with the subsequent technical analysis of the mutual hydrogeology – macrostructure influence, through the design, survey and validation of a hydraulic water level control system, and its impact on the insulation and waterproofing of the tunnel.

Calle Picos de Europa, 7. 10005, Cáceres (España)
Tel.: (+34) 927 230 639
Fax: (+34) 927 230 473