
Servicios | Grupo Sevilla Nevado
Civil works and building

With extensive experience demonstrated in civil infrastructure, urban development and building works, and thanks to the quality of our personnel, facilities and machinery, we offer quality solutions.

Servicios | Grupo Sevilla Nevado
Quarries: Extraction of materials

Aggregate Quarry

Aggregate Quarry located in Malpartida (Cáceres), dedicated to the sale and own supply of aggregates with the CE quality marking.

Location: Municipality of Casar de Cáceres, on Camino de la Sardina, accessed by motorway N-521.

Slate and Diabase Quarry

Slate and diabase quarry located in Villar del Rey, dedicated to the sale and own supply of material with the ADIF quality labelling as a manufacturer of type 1 ballast.

Location: Municipality of Villar del Rey, industrial estate 19, plot 4, accessed by the EX 214.

Servicios | Grupo Sevilla Nevado

Grupo Sevilla Nevado has its own machinery for earth moving and extraction of quarry material. It has equipment and facilities for the manufacture and laying of ballast, soil-cement and asphaltic mixtures for all types of infrastructure.

Servicios | Grupo Sevilla Nevado

1 – Agglomerate mixture manufacturing plants

  • UM-200 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PLANT – recycling system with foam bitumen
  • UM-260 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PLANT located in the municipality of Malpartida de Cáceres, on Camino de la Sardina, accessed by motorway N-521. The estate is named “EL BURRIQUILLO – LA PEDREGOSA”.
  • DM-628 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PLANT Municipality of Villar del Rey, industrial estate 19, plot 4, accessed by the EX214. The estate is named “LA PIZARRERA”.

2 – Cold agglomerate plant

3 – MZF-3 soil-cement plant

4 – Gravel – emulsion plant

Servicios | Grupo Sevilla Nevado
Waste Management

Grupo Sevilla Nevado forms part of UTE RECICLADOS CÁCERES SUR, which has the conferral of demolition and construction waste management in the southern area of the province of Cáceres, thanks to the Project for the Construction of Infrastructure for the Construction and Demolition Waste Management and Evaluation Service in the Southern Area of the Province of Cáceres, which included the following facilities:

  • Recycling plant located in Cáceres, in which the classification and treatment of construction and demolition waste was carried out.
  • Transfer plants, located in the municipalities of Brozas, Castañar de Ibor, Logrosán, Miajadas, Montánchez, Trujillo and Valencia de Alcántara, as temporary waste storage spaces to cover the areas an average of 25 kilometres from them.
  • Collection points in municipalities or installations located in municipalities which do not have recycling plants or transfer plants, so that construction and demolition waste from minor construction and home repair works could temporarily be stored in them.
Civil works and building

With extensive experience demonstrated in civil infrastructure, urban development and building works, and thanks to the quality of our personnel, facilities and machinery, we offer quality solutions.

Quarries: Extraction of materials

Aggregate Quarry

Aggregate Quarry located in Malpartida (Cáceres), dedicated to the sale and own supply of aggregates with the CE quality marking.

Location: Municipality of Casar de Cáceres, on Camino de la Sardina, accessed by motorway N-521.

Slate and Diabase Quarry

Slate and diabase quarry located in Villar del Rey, dedicated to the sale and own supply of material with the ADIF quality labelling as a manufacturer of type 1 ballast.

Location: Municipality of Villar del Rey, industrial estate 19, plot 4, accessed by the EX 214.


Grupo Sevilla Nevado has its own machinery for earth moving and extraction of quarry material. It has equipment and facilities for the manufacture and laying of ballast, soil-cement and asphaltic mixtures for all types of infrastructure.


1 – Agglomerate mixture manufacturing plants

  • UM-200 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PLANT – recycling system with foam bitumen
  • UM-260 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PLANT located in the municipality of Malpartida de Cáceres, on Camino de la Sardina, accessed by motorway N-521. The estate is named “EL BURRIQUILLO – LA PEDREGOSA”.
  • DM-628 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PLANT Municipality of Villar del Rey, industrial estate 19, plot 4, accessed by the EX214. The estate is named “LA PIZARRERA”.

2 – Cold agglomerate plant

3 – MZF-3 soil-cement plant

4 – Gravel – emulsion plant

Waste Management

Grupo Sevilla Nevado forms part of UTE RECICLADOS CÁCERES SUR, which has the conferral of demolition and construction waste management in the southern area of the province of Cáceres, thanks to the Project for the Construction of Infrastructure for the Construction and Demolition Waste Management and Evaluation Service in the Southern Area of the Province of Cáceres, which included the following facilities:


  • Recycling plant located in Cáceres, in which the classification and treatment of construction and demolition waste was carried out.
  • Transfer plants, located in the municipalities of Brozas, Castañar de Ibor, Logrosán, Miajadas, Montánchez, Trujillo and Valencia de Alcántara, as temporary waste storage spaces to cover the areas an average of 25 kilometres from them.
  • Collection points in municipalities or installations located in municipalities which do not have recycling plants or transfer plants, so that construction and demolition waste from minor construction and home repair works could temporarily be stored in them.



Calle Picos de Europa, 7. 10005, Cáceres (España)
Tel.: (+34) 927 230 639
Fax: (+34) 927 230 473


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